Our design services consist of furnishing sufficient plans, specifications, and directions for the building of the vessel by skilled, professional yacht builders. A reasonable number of inspection visits to the vessel, say two to four, are included. Out-of-pocket expenses in connection with these visits are charged separately and are not covered by the Design Fee.
For a New (Custom) Design, the Design Fee is 10% of the total cost of the yacht in commission and ready to sail. This cost figure includes everything that is part of the boat or belongs to it except loose personal and housekeeping articles. Sales taxes or delivery charges for the yacht, if any, are not included in the cost subject to fee. The fee entitles an owner to build one boat from the plans. The ownership of the Design remains with McCurdy & Rhodes, Inc. or successors. A "good faith" payment of $15,000 will be made at the time of an agreement being made between McCurdy & Rhodes and the client. This payment will be credited toward the final Design Fee.